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How did America get here, flipping in four decades from country sunshine to community squalor that winds through the hollers of West Virginia, the neighborhoods of upstate New York, and thousands of towns like Waycross, Georgia, where I grew up and then spreads across the plains all the way to San Bernardino, California, and up to timber towns like Fall City, Oregon. Why was that flip a wealth event for Wall Street while being a freefall for Waycross and thousands of other communities, towns, and cities? A Redneck Reverie: The Rationale for the Trump Phenomenon explains why and then shares a new solution that does not involve government programs and tax cuts, but big checks and jobs to renew America’s hope and dignity.


Cliff Oxford is the only person who could have written Redneck Reverie. It is a thoughtful reflection on his life among both country folk and the elite. Its stories of growing up on the swamp, leaving it and living among the elite, and then witnessing the devastating impact of policies and power on his homeland demonstrate a unique insight into the cultures and forces that compelled 2.8 million renegade voters to place Donald Trump in the highest office of power. Cliff’s revelations–backed by data–help explain the Trump phenomenon and are a cautionary note to anyone looking to win the 2020 election.

Sara Stratton, President & CEO
Redwood Digital Publisihng


From the Publisher, Redwood Publishing:

In A Redneck Reverie, Cliff Oxford unravels the Trump phenomenon we’ve all seen unfold, while exposing his own vulnerabilities through his unvarnished personal Swamp Road to Wall Street story. This book allows its readers to see into the world of those who finally crested and created the landslide win and why.

Please note Cliff’s personal story on Swamp Road is also at end of book in a chapter we decided to call Personal Reveries—don’t miss it. Added at the end, so as not to distract from the book‘s economic purpose; we catalogued these in vignettes, very similar to his breviloquent style as a columnist. It was a great compromise for Cliff, who wanted give everything had in explaining a complicated political process and me, who wants the reader to learn and enjoy a great read.


From the author, Cliff Oxford:

How did we get here, from country sunshine to community squalor? Here includes everything from holler to hood to Waycross and biggest story is how Wall Street cashed in on making people poor.

So much of the hopelessness and sorrowfulness I see where rural communities have become economic ravines is similar to what I see when I drive down Memorial Drive in east Atlanta or all the way to San Bernardino, California, and headed in next five years to what I see in Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles. Why? The common thread is both to get adoration at election time and then be abandoned as soon as the votes are counted.

My dream is for this book to heal the split votes so that neither can be written off by either party.